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Richest Poor Kid

Hardcover: ISBN 978-1-57537-025-5; Dimensions: 6.75" x 9.25" $9.95
Library Edition: ISBN 978-1-57537-074-3; Dimensions 8.25" x 11.25" $16.95
Hardcover & CD Read-Along: ISBN 978-1-57537-524-3 $16.95
Library Ed. & CD Read-Along: ISBN 978-1-57537-724-7 $23.95
Adventure DVD: ISBN 978-1-57537-875-6

Library Edition List: $16.95 Sale Price: $15.95
Adventure DVD List: $16.95 Sale Price: $9.95
Read-Along CD List: $9.95 Sale Price: $4.95

Fun Times With: Appreciation / Cheerfulness / Trust
Reading level: Grades 1-4
Book Summary
Randy was a poor with an old problem, everything he had was old. His rich neighbor Mike had a new bike and new toys, and Mike constantly teased him. Randy desperately wished he was rich so he could buy everything new. He was warned that riches alone don't bring happiness, but Randy never listened. To Randy's great delight, his wish came true. Everything he touched turned into gold—even his beloved dog. As he held his lifeless gold dog, he realized he was now the most miserable kid in the whole world. Remembering he had one more wish, he used it to return things as before. His wish came true, and it became the happiest day of his life. Now when Randy went to school, he held his head high. When he rode his old bike, he often said, “I'm sure glad my bike isn't made of gold!” Grades 1-4.