Homeschool Reviews

The Old Schoolhouse
The Magazine for Homeschool Families

Comments from Publisher, Gena Suarez

  • Carl Sommer, who has written the much-acclaimed Another Sommer-Time Story™ Series - 18 books for kids which I found to be FABULOUS. Winning many awards and turning the heads of educators everywhere.
  • Each and every book has a moral to it - a big one. I like these far better than Aesop's Fables any day.
  • Space will not allow us to touch on each story in the series. I can tell you, however, that you will not be sorry to purchase a series such as this! The books are gorgeous....Not your typical kids' book series. Kids learn messages such as obedience, trust, cheerfulness, citizenship, caring, community service, responsibility, forgiveness, sportsmanship, perseverance, compassion, safety, respect, cooperation, tolerance, honesty, happiness, self-discipline, friendship, diligence, respect for labor and so much more!
  • Meet all the excellent characters in this series! Your kids will love it. My daughter can be found almost every day toting at least one of them around --  We'll never give these away. I sure hope Carl comes out with more!
  • What a treasure of an author for kids!

Read the entire article at The Old Schoolhouse website.

Reviews From Eclectic Homeschool Online

The Little Red Train

“Colorful illustrations and easy-to-turn pages make this book fun to read. The story is a familiar one with its lesson in perseverance and repeated "I won't give up! I won't give up!" But the storyline is compelling with its additional examples of compassion and civic virtue. My six-year-old son couldn't wait to see what happened to the little train and the poor people on the mountaintop; his interest was held throughout the story, and that's no small feat for my little wiggle worm!”


Mayor For A Day

“What would happen if a town had no rules for an entire day? Chaos, that's what! The cover of Mayor for a Day promises fun times with citizenship, civic virtue, and respect for law and that's exactly what's between the pages of this action-packed storybook…. 

“Help your children discover what would happen in a place where anything goes, no rules exist, and chaos is the only rule of the day. My son was so worried about little Davy and what would become of him and his hometown that he started telling me why WE have rules in our own household. He even added a few new rules of his own. Any book that can stimulate that kind of respect for the law has a permanent place on our bookshelf.”


If Only I Were…

“I had never read any of Carl Sommer's books before this one and I was immediately drawn to the colorful illustrations and the friendly animal faces. Each of his books teaches a timeless virtue within a delightful story that any young child can relate to.

“In this story, Missy the mouse wishes she could be anyone else but herself. She doesn't like being so small and she doesn't like the way she looks. Every day she is chased by Horace the cat and she has become very tired of this daily routine. She makes a wish that she could be big like Horace and, when her wish comes true, she learns that being a big cat is not everything she had thought it would be!

“Wish after wish, animal after animal, Missy learns lesson after lesson. After her final wish (and waking up from her dream) brings her back to being a small mouse, she realizes that a mouse is what she really wants to be. She has learned to be happy with who she is. Since being chased by Horace is such a big problem, Missy decides to stay in her house for the day.

“This is such a cute story! Missy goes from being a small mouse to several other animals, each larger in size, and back to a small mouse before realizing that she should be happy with who she is. What a great lesson to be learned, especially in today's world. Our children need to know that God made each of us special and that He loves us the way we are.”  Reviewed by Sharon Crooks.

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